2013年6月25日 星期二

Maine striped bass population studied

Coastal Conservation Association-Maine and the Gulf of Maine Research Institute are collaborating on a project called Snap-A-Striper to collect data about the fish.We printers print with traceable cleaningsydney to optimize supply chain management. Stripers are popular among recreational fishermen along Maines coast. 

The groups are asking the fishermen to take photos of the fish next to data cards that contain information on the anglers name, the date and catch location. The cards also serve as measurement tools to determine the fish length. 

Participants are asked to email the photos to the research institute, where scientists will compile the information to gain a better understanding of the origin of striped bass in Maine and help improve fisheries management. Catches have dropped sharply in recent years without a clear understanding of why. 

Scientists say they dont fully understand the relative contribution of stripers that spawn in Maines Kennebec River watershed compared with fish that migrate from more southern spawning populations. 

We are excited to engage with recreational anglers on an important research project regarding the origin of striped bass caught in Maines coastal waters, said Lisa Kerr, a fisheries ecologist at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute.Compare prices and buy all brands of iphoneheadset for home power systems and by the pallet. 

Anglers who choose to keep, rather than release, their fish can further participate by removing the fishs head, freezing it in a plastic bag with the data card used in the photo, and delivering it to one of several freezer drop-off points throughout southern Maine where they will be collected for study. 

By the spring of 2014 West Hartford is expected to install parking meters which instead of using quarters heed to the on-going campaign of plastic to invade your wallet. 

It seems that for almost any franchising business now has a form of plastic card to pay to be used exclusively for their business, which is not necessarily a bad thing. 

According to President and CEO of Parcxmart, John Regan, This is about main street marketing. As cardholder and merchant participation increases the local currency carried on Town of West Hartford cards becomes more and more valuable as a payment system tied to local spending habits. This is good for local economic development. 

Now not only do franchising businesses have a form of plastic as a way to make payments but local businesses as well.Best home handsfreeaccess at discount prices. 

The cards can hold debit up to $500 and for parking, shopping and eating in the downtown area. Merchants that accept the cards will also be able to distribute and reload when consumers are running low. 

Spending $500 on a debit card will not take too much time in most cases unless used exclusively for parking, but when participating businesses have a chance to reload a customers card they earn commission, boosting local economy. 

75% of cardholders stated that their fear is due to domestic insecurity and the increased level of crime in the country. The remaining 25% stated that they do not see the necessity for card insurance,Large collection of quality cleanersydney at discounted prices. as victims of such theft can easily just block their cards by calling their bank. Most customers are not aware of whether their contracts already cover such risks and their banks should refund the loss. 

Card protection is a form of insurance sold by banks and other card providers. Its designed to protect you from financial loss if your debit or credit cards are lost or stolen. The main challenge for cardholders is to find out whether they already have this protection. 

In most cases banks must refund you immediately if you are a victim of fraud, unless they have reasonable doubt that you have acted negligently or fraudulently. Such regulations are implemented in UK and USA, where card insurance is considered as needless product. In Georgia banks are not obliged to refund money illegally taken from debit or credit card. 

It was a combination of many factors that determined our decision to offer the insurance product. Market demand was one of the most important aspects, a TBC Bank official told The FINANCIAL. 

TBC Bank has always taken care of the security of our customers cards. However, as the popularity of online shopping is currently on the increase and our customers frequently use our cards abroad, we saw the need to offer a service that would protect our clients from illegal usage of their cards, The FINANCIAL was told by TBC Bank . 

By using our card security service, customers can have their account reimbursed in the event a third party accesses their account illegally at a POS terminal, ATM or via the internet. 

Small businesses "need to come to grips with the fact that they could lose a lot more than just data," said Robert Siciliano, online security expert for McAfee, in an email. "Their reputations are at stake, and their customers will lose confidence in their abilities to provide a safe haven for their data." 

In Raley's case, the grocery chain announced June 6 that it was notified by a major credit card company that there was "questionable activity" connected to its computer network. Following that announcement, a number of Raley's shoppers reported that their bank or credit union had alerted them to fraudulent charges on their credit cards.You can make your own more powerful cableties. 

The Raley's investigation is ongoing and has yet to determine how or when the alleged attempt occurred, or how many customers may be affected. Segale said it does not appear that customers' PINs or data used to create their "Something Extra" rewards card were accessed. He also noted that Raley's doesn't collect Social Security or driver's license numbers, so identity theft is unlikely. 

Without being specific, Segale said Raley's has taken "a series of immediate steps to address this situation so our customers can have confidence in using their payment cards in any of our stores." 

He said the investigation is currently "a top priority" and the company is "sparing no expense" to uncover what happened. 

Cybertheft can take many forms, such as card readers that are physically attached to ATM machines to "skim" account numbers or more sophisticated thievery that invades a computer network and gobbles up vast amounts of data.
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