2013年8月30日 星期五

History made interesting

In the early 1870s, the wedding of Don Eulalio Villavicencio and his niece Gliceria Marella was likened to the merger of two big corporations. Both hailed from Taals wealthiest families, with businesses in shipping and sugar.In the 19th century, Batangas sugar was considered one of the best in the country. At the end of the milling season, boats came loaded with money in sacks.

People would bring the sacks to the house and lay them out on a mat. It would take them two weeks to count the money and roll them up. Whoever came to the house was asked to help out.The rich didnt have to work, says Martin Tinio, co-author of the coffee-table book Philippine Ancestral Houses. There were fiestas every month in every town. The well-to-do attended nine-day novenas, went to picnics, danced, rested. That was the life of the haciendero.

For his young bride, he built a house next door which was connected to his parents house by a bridgeway. Built in 1872, the new house was called Casa Regalo de Boda or the Wedding Gift Housewhich has now been restored by Tinio.The Villavicencios are mentioned in history books for having helped finance the Philippine Revolution. Don Eulalio even went to Hong Kong to give Jos Rizal P18,000 for his propaganda literature.

He came back with banned publications and was later charged with sedition. He fell ill at Fort Santiago where he was imprisoned.A famous account says the Spaniards offered to release Don Eulalio in exchange for information about the Katipunan. His wife, Do?a Gliceria, it is said, refused, saying that she carried his surname and didnt want to betray him and his cause.

After two years, Don Eulalio was released. But his condition worsened since he had contracted tuberculosis. He died at home after three months.Shop huge inventory of Car bestmarbletiles Charger,Tinio notes that in that era in the Philippines, the Wedding Gift House was the only one with window grills on the second floor that had a bloated silhouette called rehas na buntis. The balconies were also shaped like a squash.

A sign of wealth was the variety of colors and patterns. The facade stood out for its yellow ochre and indigo tones. When one looked at the stenciled patterns dominating the interiors, one could only imagine the enormous amount of paint used. But that didnt matter to the wealthy owners.The ground floor, or entresuelo, featured patterned tiles from Spain. When the house was renovated six years ago, the tiles were reproduced by Mariwasa.

The tindalo staircase led to the caida or antesala,We offer the biggest collection of old masters that can be turned into hand painted cleanersydney on canvas. the transition space to the living room. It was called caida, which meant to drop, because when women climbed the stairs, they had to hold up their skirts and dropped them only upon reaching the caida.A indoorpositioningsystem has real weight in your customer's hand.In renovating the house, Tinio derived the curlicues and floral patterns for the stenciled walls from a pattern book published in the 1870s. In some parts of the house, the patterns were inspired by an old church and convent.

The caida now has Art Nouveau furniture with carved faces by sculptor and decorator Emilio Alvero. It is also decked with sillas Americanas, or American chairs.At the turn of the 20th century, these chairs were assembled in the same way the Ikea chair is put together today. The sillas Americanas were considered the Monobloc chairs of their time, given their ubiquitous presence, says Tinio.

For the comedor, or formal dining room, Tinio had the narra chairs drawn from the turn-of-the-20th-century designs of sculptor Isabelo Tampinco. The carvings of cashews, bananas and guavas on the crests were appropriate for this room, he says.These big homes had a dispensa,Our industry leading consumer and business agatebeads products offer competitive pricing combined. or pantry. If you were rich, you didnt shop. When the shipment arrived, you would get the first choice before the goods were displayed in the shops. There was a selection of wines, chorizos, turrones, walnuts, jamon. These foods were locked up in the dispensa, says Tinio.

The Meridian Public School at Panthallur, near Manjeri, in the district on Wednesday organised an indigenous sports festival, evoking curiosity among the local people as well as the schools in the neighbourhood.The indigenous sports fest, held as part of the National Sports Day being celebrated on Thursday, turned out to be a unique event, attempting to revive some of the old games played in the rural areas of the district.

Bemused spectators stood agape as the children from different schools displayed great enthusiasm to prove that they too were adept at some of the games their grandfathers played.They competed in marble ball games, hopscotch, games with clay tile pieces, pulling games using arecanut leaves, and jugglery with machinga or tiny coconut. Most of these games have disappeared from our rural areas, said school principal K. Abdu Rasheed.

The physical education wing of the school took the initiative for the festival as part of reviving these obsolescent games.Akash Madhavan, who won two medals in the recent World Dwarf Games held in Michigan, U.S., gave away the prizes to the winners. He said that athletes and sportspersons were being given a lot more encouragement in western countries than in India. What we dwarfs need is nothing but your encouragement,A quality paper cutter or paper bestluggagetag can make your company's presentation stand out. and not sympathy, he said.
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